SO: Akarsu

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Showing posts with label Akarsu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Akarsu. Show all posts

Ana akarsu (Main stream)

Akarsu yükü (Stream load)

Akarsu yatağı (Stream bed (stream channel))

Akarsu sedimenti (akarsu tortulu) (Fluvial sediment)

Akarsu sediment verimi (Sediment yield)

Akarsu rejimi (Stream regime)

Akarsu kıyı ormanı tampon sistemi (Riparian forest buffer system)

Akarsu kıyı erozyonu kontrolü (Stream bank erosion control)

Akarsu kıyı erozyonu (Stream bank erosion)

Akarsu gücü (Stream power)

Akarsu akım azalması (Stream flow depletion)

Akarsu (Stream)

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