Finger erosion (Rill erosion) - SO

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Finger erosion (Rill erosion)

 Finger erosion (Rill erosion)

1) Water erosion, which is visible on the soil surface with the carving power of the surface waters, which can be removed by a swarm parallel to the equilibrium curves, causing the formation of (3-5) cm deep grooves.

2) Linear rifts that extend parallel to each other as a result of erosion of superficial flowing waters on slopes and sloping sections of agricultural areas.  These fissures are seen on sandy and national sloping slopes and in plowed fields. The fact that the waters passing into the surface flow easily carry the sandy and clay materials on the slopes provides the formation of finger erosion (rils). The length of the crevices sometimes reaches tens of meters, the depth reaches 10 cm. The rils that allow water to be channeled turn into games over time.

3) A process of erosion, in which a large number of small channels of gameplay are formed at a depth of several cm to 30 cm.

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