Bench terrace - SO

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Bench terrace

 Bench terrace

1) The steps formed by digging the soil in the fields where it is planned to grow tillage crops, grape om and fruit trees without erosion with a slope above 15% and the piling of the excavation material in the direction of the slope in the form of an excavation sectional area.  The excavation material piled up on highly sloping terrain is supported by a stone wall.  Sowing on the terrace, the horizontal part where the planting is done is given a slope of up to 9% backwards. The surface waters accumulated in the soil are conveyed to a natural or artificial discharge mouth through a heel channel inclined 1-5 thousandths.

2) A type of terrace applied to make soil conservation and erosion control and cultivation of crops on steep slopes possible by developing strips with horizontal or low slopes, parallel to each other at certain distances suitable for agriculture and tree planting. Plant objectives are: (i) to reduce the surface flow rate and erosion effect; (ii) increase the retention of water by the soil;  (iii) to increase soil fertility and the enjoyment of land under agriculture and other uses.

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